Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bread Butterscotch Pudding


1.Milk - 3 cup
2.Sugar - 3/4 cup
3.Egg -3
4.Butter - 50 gm
5.Bread -10 pieces


1.Cut the sides of bread and make it in to small square pieces.Separate the egg white and yellow.

2.Melt half cup of sugar in a wok so that we get caramel syrup.

3.When it will become light brown color put off the fire and then add the butter to it.

4.And the butter will melt in the sugar syrup as it is hot.When it becomes slightly cool add 1/2 cup of water to it.

5.In a bowl mix the milk with egg yellow and beat it well.Then slightly boil the caramel with the added water and mix this with the egg ,milk mixture.

6.In an evaporated bowl beat the egg white really well with 1/4 cup sugar .

7.In the pudding plate first place the bread cubes and then pour the milk caramel mixture over it .Then on top of it add the beaten egg white and mix slowly with a fork.

8.Preheat the oven in 200 degree for 5 mts and then bake it at 180 degree for 30 to 40 mts depending upon the oven.

9.Or you can steam it for 40 mts......