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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Banana Halwa


1.Banana - 2 kg
2.Sugar - 11/2 cup
3.Water - 1/2 cup
4.Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
5.Ghee - 1 cup


1.In a large vessel/uruli add the sugar and water and bring it to boil.

2.When it will starts to boil add the finely chopped banana to itand mix well.

3.Stir continously and in between add half cup of ghee to it and mix it.Cook and stir it again till you got the black color of halwa.In between you can add the rest of ghee to it.

4.When the halwa become done you can see that the ghee will be oozes out from it.You can take the excess ghee from it.

5.Pour the above hot mixture into the plate.

6.Using a spoon spread the mixture well in the plate.

7.Allow it to cool.

8.Cut it into desired shape